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JKM Industrial Supplies
Industrial Tool Supplier
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Mild Steel Bolt and Nut
XOX Mild Steel Bolt and Nut (Stock)
XOX Mild Steel Bolt and Nut Hot Dip Galvanised
Nylon Bolt
HT Bolt 8.8 grade
HT Bolt 10.9 grade
UNC Bolt
BSF Bolt
UNF Bolt
S S 304 Bolt
S S 316 Bolt
1.25 Pitch M F Bolt
1.5 pitch M F Bolt
1.0 pitch M F Bolt
CSK Nib Bolt and Nuts
J Bolt
Galv J Bolt
Plough Bolt and Nut
Metric Plough Bolt and Nut
Imperial Plough Bolt and Nut
Foundation Bolt
Cup Square Bolt and Nut
Mild Steel Cup Square Bolt and nut
304 Stainless Steel Cup Square Bolt (Import)
Banjo Bolt
Gutter Bolt and Nut
Hook Bolt and Nut
Eye Bolt and Nut
Pigtail Eye Bolt
Wood Pigtail Eye Bolt
Galv Eye Bolt
Tested Eye Bolt
304 Stainless Steel Eye Bolt
Set Screw
Nylon Set Screw
Galv Set Screws
Galv Set Screw (Stock)
Galv Set Screw (Import)
HDG Set Screw
Mild Steel HDG Set Screw
Hi Tensile HDG Set Screw
Brass Set Screw
Metric Brass Set Screw
HT Set Screw
8.8 Grade HT Set Screw
10.9 Grade HT Set Screw
HT Galv Set Screw
BSW HT Set Screw
Tensilock HT Set Screw
Stainless Steel Set Screw
304 Stainless Steel Set Screw
304 Stainless Steel Set Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Set Screw
BSW S S 304 Set Screw
U Bolt
Galv U Bolt
Sq Galv U Bolt
S S 304 U Bolt
Machine Screw
Cheese Head Machine Screw
Nylon Cheese Head Machine Screw
Steel Cheese Head Machine Screw
Steel Cheese Head Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Galv Trim Head Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw (Stock)
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw
Metric Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw (Stock)
BA Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw (Stock)
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head 316 S S Machine Screw
Cheese Head 316 S S Machine Screw (Stock)
Csk Head Slotted Machine Screw
Nylon CSK Machine Screw
Steel CSK Machine Screw
BSW Steel Csk Machine Screw
Galv CSK Machine Screw
Galv CSK Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv CSK Machine Screw (Import)
Brass CSK Machine Screw
Metric Brass Csk Machine Screw
BA Brass Csk Machine Screw
Galv Torx CSK Machine Screw (Import)
Stainless Steel CSK Machine Screw
S S 304 CSK Machine Screw
S S 304 CSK Machine Screw (Stock)
S S 316 CSK Machine Screw
Csk Head Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
S S Csk Pozi Machine Screw
S S Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Local)
Csk Head Philips Machine Screw
S S Csk Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Rsd Csk Galv Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Head Slotted Machine Screw
Galv Pan Head Machine Screw
S S 304 Pan Head Machine Screw
Pan Head Combo Machine Screw
Galv Pan Combo Machine Screw
Imperial Pan Combo Machine Screw
Pan Head Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Head Philips Machine Screw
S S Pan Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Bright Zinc Pan Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Philips Washer Face Machine Screw (Import)
Round Head Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Steel Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Brass Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Galv Metric Machine Screw
Countersunk Wood screws
Steel Countersunk Woodscrews
Solid Brass Countersunk Woodscrews
Brass Plated Countersunk Woodscrews
Nickel Countersunk Woodscrews
S S 304 Countersunk Woodscrews
S S 316 Countersunk Woodscrews
Round Head Woodscrew
Round Head Steel Woodscrew
Round Head B Japan Woodscrew
Round Head Brass Plated Woodscrew
Round Head Nickel Plated Wooscrew
Assorted Woodscrew Pack
Roofing Screw
Type 17 Roofing Screw
El Torro Roofing Screw
Coach Screw
Hex Galv Coach Screw
Galvanised Coach Screw
Hex S S Coach Screw
Security Coach Screw
Stitching Screw
S S 304 Topspeed
Galv Topspeed
HDG Drive Screw
Skirting Screw
Nail-in Anchor
Hammer Drive Screw
ZY Hammer Drive Screw
S S Hammer Drive Screw (Import)
G Screw
Chipboard Screw
Z Y CSK Chipboard Screw
Pan Pozi Chipboard Screw
Square Head Chipboard Screw
Type 17 Chipboard Screw
S S Chipboard Screw
Drywall Screw
Csk Pozi Drywall Screw
Self Drilling Csk Pozi Drywall Screw
Self Tapper
Pan Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Import)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Self Tapper
S S 304 Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Pan Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Pan Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Pan Slot Self Tapper (Stock)
Brass Plated Pan Slot Self Tapper
S S 304 Pan Slot Self Tapper
Csk Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Csk Slot Self Tapper
S S 304 Csk Slot Self Tapper
Raised Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Raised Slot Self Tapper
Nickel Plated Raised Slot Self Tapper
Brass Plated Raised Slot Self Tapper
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter (Stock)
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter (Import)
Pan Philips Self Tapper
Pan Philips Self Tapper (Import)
Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Galvanised Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Brass Plated Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Nickel Plated Csk Pozi Self Tapper
S Steel Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Galvanised Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Brass Plated Raised Pozi Self Tapper
S Steel Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Galv Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper (Import)
Pan Combo Self Tapper
Galv Pan Combo Self Tapper
Hex Head Self Tapper
Galv Hex Head Self Tapper
Assorted Self Tapper Kit
Pan Eco Screw (Import)
One Way Screws
One Way Screws
Tek Screw
Wafer Tek Screw SDS
American Wafer Tek Screw
Galv Tek Screw
Hex Tek Screw
CSK Wing Tek Screw
Pan Tek Screw
Pan Tek Screw (Stock)
Pan Tek Screw (Import)
S Steel Tek Screw
Class 3 Tek Screw
Disc Washer
Spring Disc Washer
Taper Washer
Steel Taper Washer
Flat Washer
Din 125 Galv Flat Washer
Bright Flat Washer
Steel Flat Washer
Galv Flat Washer
Galv Flat Washer (Stock)
Brass Flat Washer
HDG Flat Washer
Through Hardened Flat Washer
Copper Flat Washer
Copper Washers
S S 304 Flat Washer
S S 316 Flat Washer
S S 316 Flat Washer (Stock)
Fibre Flat Washer
Fibre Flat Washers
Assorted Set of Fibre Flat Washers
Nylon Flat Washer
Din 125 S steel Flat Washer
Nordlock Washer
Tab Washer
Steel Tab Washer
S Steel Tab Washer
S Steel Double Tab Washer
Dowty Washer
Spring Washer
Steel Spring Washer
Steel Spring Washer
Galv Spring Washer
Galvanised Spring Washer (Stock)
Galvanised Spring Washer (Import)
Galv Flat Medium Spring Washer
Brass Spring Washer
Square Heavy Spring Washer
S S 304 Spring Washer
S S 316 Spring Washer
S S 316 Spring Washer (Stock)
Hot Dipped Galv Spring Washer
Star Washer
Galv Internal Star Washer
Galv External Star Washer
S S 304 Internal Star Washer
S S 304 Internal Star Washer (Stock)
S S 304 External Star Washer
Fender Washer
Galv Fender Washer
S S 304 Fender Washer
Bonded Washer
Black Cut Washer
Cup Washer
Standard Cup Washer
Brassed Cup Washer
Black Cup Washer
Nylon Cup Washer
Wavy Washer
Wavy Washer (Stock)
Crinkle Washer
S S 304 Crinkle Washer
Pop Rivet Washer
Pop Rivet Washer
Schnorr Black Washer
Set of Brass Assorted Shimstock
Square Washer
Push on Fix
Standard Push On Fix
Standard Push On Fix (Local)
Standard Push On Fix (Import)
Capped Push On Fix
Shear Nut
Hexagonal Nut
Hex Nylon Nut
Hex Nylon Nut (Stock)
Hex Galv Nut (Stock & Import)
Hex Galv Nut (Stock)
Hex Galv Nut (Import)
Hex HT 8.8 Grade Nut
Hex HT HDG Nut
Hex Metric 2H Nut
Hex Brass Nut
Metric Hex Brass Nut
Metric Hex Brass Nut (Stock)
BSW Hex Brass Nut
Hex BA Brass Nut
Hex HT Left Hand Nut
Hex HT Left Hand Nut (Stock)
Hex HT Left Hand Nut (Import)
Hex UNC HT Nut
Hex BSW HT Nut
Hex BSF HT Nut
Hex UNF HT Nut
Hex 304 Stanless Steel Nut
Hex BSW Stainless Steel Nut
Hex 1.25 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 1.5 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 1.0 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 2.0 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 316 Stanless Steel Nut
Dome Nut
Chrome Plated Dome Nut
Chrome Dome Nut (Stock)
Chrome Dome Nut (Import)
Brass Dome Nut
S Steel 304 Dome Nut
Lock Nut
Steel Lock Nut
Galv Lock Nut
Galv Lock Nut (Stock)
Galv Lock Nut (Import)
Brass Lock Nut
HT Lock Nut
S Steel 304 Lock Nut
S Steel 316 Lock Nut
Metric Fine 1.0 Steel Lock Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Lock Nut
Metric Fine 2.0 Lock Nut
Tensilock Nut
Steel Tensilock Nut
Wing Nut
Galv Wing Nut
Galvanised Wing Nut (Stock)
Brass Wing Nut
Brass BSW Wing Nut
Steel Imperial Wing Nut
304 Stainless Steel Wing Nut
Square Pressed Nut
Galv Square Pressed Nut
Imperial Square Pressed Nut
Nyloc Nut
Brass Nyloc Nut
Galv Nyloc Nut
UNC Nyloc Nut
BSW Nyloc Nut
BSF Nyloc Nut
UNF Nyloc Nut
S S 304 Nyloc Nut
S S 316 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.0 Nyloc Nut
Hank Nut
T Nut
Galv T Nut (Stock)
Galv T Nut (Import)
Cage Nut
Steel Cage Nut
Steel Cage Nut (Stock)
Steel Cage Nut (Import)
Extension Nut
Galv Extention Nut
Cleveloc Nut
Galv Cleveloc Nut
Eye Nut
Galv Eye Nut
Weld Nut
Hex Weld Nut
Square Weld Nut
Spring Nut
Galv Spring Nut
Steel Spring Nut
Copper Exhaust Nut
Castle Nut
Steel Castle Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Castle Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Castle Nut
Wheel Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Wheel Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Wheel Nut
Clinch Nut, Clinch Gun and Spares
Low Profile Clinch Nut
Large Flange Clinch Nut
Stainless Steel Large Flange Clinch Nut
Stainless Steel Low Profile Clinch Nut
Clinch Nut Gun and Spares
Clinch Nut Gun
Clinch Nut Gun Spares
Flange Nut
Flange Nut with Serations
Standard Flange Nut
Speed Nut
Speed Clip
Speed Clip – Mercedes
Speed Clip – BMW
Speed Clip – Ford
Speed Clip – Universal
Standard Steel Rawlbolt
Rawlbolt Eye-bolt
Standard Stainless Steel Rawlbolt
Rawlbolt Hook Bolt
Hex Masonry Bolt
Hex Masonry Bolt
Countersunk Pozi Drive Masonry Bolt
Hook eye-bolt Masonry Bolt
Shield Anchor
Zinc Yellow Shield Anchor
Chemical Anchor and Vinelyster Resin
Chemical Anchor Complete
Stainless Steel Anchor Studs only
Vinelyster Resin, Gun and Pump
Vinelyster Resin
Vinelyster Mortar Gun
Vinelyster Mortar Pump (cleaning of Nozzles)
Vinelyster Resin Spare Nozzle
DSM Masonry Anchor
Sleeve Anchor
Standard Zinc Yellow Sleeve Anchor
Stainless Steel Sleeve Anchor
Hollow Wall Anchor and Setting Tool
Hollow Wall Anchor
Hollow Wall Anchor Setting Tool
Tru Anchor
Standard Tru Anchor
Standard Trubolt
Wedge Anchor
Leg Adjustor
Silver Steel
Metric Silver Steel
Imperial Silver Steel
Metric Keysteel
Imperial Keysteel
Threaded Rod
Steel Threaded Rod
Galvanised Threaded Rod
Hot Dip Galv Threaded Rod
Metric Brass Threaded Rod
Hi Tensile Threaded Rod
Left Hand Threaded Rod
UNC Threaded Rod
BSW Threaded Rod
BSF Threaded Rod
UNF Threaded Rod
Stainless Steel 304 Threaded Rod
Stainless Steel 316 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.25 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.5 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.0 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 2,0 Threaded Rod
Threaded Hollow Tube
Galvanised Studs
Steel Studs
Stud Bolt
B7 Stud Bolt
Wurth Manifold Stud
EN8 Galv Stud
BSW Stud
UNF Stud
304 Stainless Steel Stud
316 Stainless Steel Stud
304 Stainless Steel Running Stud
316 Stainless Steel Running Stud
Wheel Stud
Self Clinching Stud
Brass Cup Hook
D Shackle
Galvanised D Shackle
Commercial Shackle
Carabine Shackle
Galvanised eye & eye Turnbuckle
Galvanised Hook & Eye Turnbuckle
Rope Clamp
Wire Rope Clamp
D/F Wire Rope Clamp
Stainless Steel Wire Rope Clamp
Galvanised Thimble
Cap Screw
Low Head Cap Screw
HT Low Head Cap Screw
Stainless Steel Low Head Cap Screw
Button Head Cap Screw
HT Button Head Cap Screw
HT Button Head Cap Screw (Stock)
HT Button Head Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Button Head Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Button Head Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Button Head Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainlees Steel Button Head Cap Screw
Standard Cap Screw
HT Cap Screw
Cap Screw (Stock)
Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Cap Screw
BSW Cap Screw (Stock)
UNC Cap Screw
BSF Cap Screw
UNF Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Cap Screw
Metric Fine Cap Screw
BA Cap Screw
BSW Stainless Steel Cap Screw
Countersunk Cap Screw
HT Countersunk Cap Screw
HT Countersunk Cap Screw (Stock)
HT Countersunk Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Countersunk Cap Screw
BSF Countersunk Cap Screw
UNFCountersunk Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap
304 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap
Shoulder Cap Screw
HT Metric Shoulder Cap Screw
BSW Shoulder Cap Screw
Torx Cap Screw
Stainless Steel Torx Cap Screw
Import Stainless Steel Torx Cap Screw
Grub Screw
HT Grub Screw
Cone Point Grub Screw
UNC Grub Screw
BSW Grub Screw
BSF Grub Screw
UNF Grub Screw
BA Grub Screw
Stainless Steel Grub Screw
304 Stainless Steel Grub Screw
Sump Plug
BSP Pressure Plug
NPT Pressure Plug
Dowel Pin
Metric Hardened Steel Dowel Pin
Imperial Dowel Pin
Selloc Pin
Metric Selloc Pin
Metric Selloc Pins (Stock)
Metric Selloc Pins (Import)
Imperial Selloc Pin
Split Pin
Galvanised Split Pin
Brass Split Pin
Stainless Steel Split Pin
Assorted Split Pin Kit
Internal Circlip
Steel Internal Circlip
Steel Internal Circlip
Stainless Steel Internal Circlip
Assorted Internal Circlip Kit
External Circlip
Steel External Circlip
Steel External Circlip (Stock)
Steel External Circlip (Import)
Stainless Steel External Circlip
Internal & External Cirlip Kit
RS Clip
RS Clip (Stock)
Retaining Clip
Single Loop Retaining Clip
Double Loop Retaining Clip
E Clip
Stainless Steel E Clip (Import)
Snap Ring (Import)
Spring Toggle
Pop Rivet
Steel Pop Rivet
Black Japan Pop Rivet
Stainless Steel Pop Rivet
Standard Aluminium Pop Rivet
Aluminium Pop Rivet
Large Flange Pop Rivet
Large Flange Pop Rivet
Countersunk Aluminium Pop Rivet
Countersunk Black Japan Aluminium Pop Rivet
Sealed Pop Rivet
Peeled Pop Rivet
Aluminium White Rivet
Aluminium Blue Rivet
Aluminium Black Rivet
Aluminium Red Rivet
Aluminium Yellow Rivet
Aluminium Green Rivet
Monel Pop Rivet
Cup Steel Rivet
Copper Nickel Rivet
Countersunk Steel Rivet
Tinman Rivet
Tinman Head Window Fixing Rivet
Rivet Gun and Spares
Rivet Gun
Spare Rivet Gun Jaws
Spare Rivet Gun Nose Piece
Solid Rivet
Part Tubular Nickel Plated Solid Rivet
Round Head Steel Solid Rivet
Round Head Aluminium Solid Rivet
Round Wire Nail
Panel Pin
Clout Nail
Steel Clout Nail
Galvanised Clout Nail
Cut Steel Nail
Concrete Hard Nail
Ring Shank Nail
Mirror Domes Collars
Silver Mirror Domes and Collars
Binder Posts
Nickel Plated Binder Posts (Import)
Furniture Fastener
Furniture Cross Dowel
Furniture Screw
Furniture Cap
Rumpa Stud
Decking Screw
Rubber Grommets
Blanking Grommets
O Ring and O Ring Cord
Hose Clamp
Galvanised Mild Steel Hose Clamp
Stainless Steel Hose Clamp
Turbo Screw
Wall concrete Plug
Nylon Wall Plug
Fischer Nylon Wall Plug
Standard Nylon Wall Plug (Local)
Speed Plug
Fixing Solutions
Nail-in Anchor
Standard Nail-in Anchor (Local)
Fischer Nail-in Anchor with thread
Nylon Toggles
Fisher Fixings
Fischer Plasterboad Fixing
Fischer Toggle Fixings
Fischer Toggle with a nut
Fischer Toggle with a hook
Fischer Frame Fixing
Fischer Nail in Anchor
Fischer Universal Plug with Chipboard Screw
Fischer Nylon Wall Plug
Stand-off Fastener
Hexagonal Spacing Stand-off Fastener
Fastener Kits
FixItFast Pre-packs
FixItFast Pre-packed Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Flat Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Fender Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Spring Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Bonded Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Pop Rivet Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Nyloc Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Dome Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Hexagonal Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Gutter Bolts and Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Gutter Bolts and Square Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Set Screws and Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Set Screws and Hexagonal Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Steel Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Brass Plated Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Coach Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Coach Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Drywall Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Course Drywall Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Pozi Head Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Square Head Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Decking Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Trim Head Ruspert Coated Decking Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Hexagonal Flanged Head Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Wafer SDS Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Self Tapping Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Pan Head Combo Self Tapping Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Nail-in Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Shield Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Hex Head Bolt Shield Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Standard Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Peeled Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Large Flanged Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Cheese Head Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Countersunk Head Machine Screws
Grease Nipple
Galv Grease Nipple
Straight Galv Grease Nipple
45 degree Galv Grease Nipple
90 Degree Galv Grease Nipple
BSP Grease Nipple
BSP Straight Grease Nipple
45 Degree BSP Grease Nipple
90 Degree BSP Grease Nipple
BSP Button Head Grease Nipple
NPT Straight Grease Nipple
Grease Nipple Kit
Grease Gun and Accessories
Grease Gun
Grease Gun Coupler
Oil Dispensor
Oil Can
Grease Pump
2 Flute Slot Drill
Wood Drill
HSS Drill
FEW Metric HSS Drill
Hawera High Speed Steel Drill Bits
Somta Metric HSS Drill
Glass and Tile Drill
Masonry Drill
Long Series Masonry Drill
Pecker Drill
Long Series HSS Drill Bit
Step Drill
HSS Tree Drill
Multi Construct Drill
Tile Ceramic and Marble Drill
SDS-Max Drill
SDS drill
Core Drill
MTS Drill and Drill Sleeves
MTS Drill
Drill Sleeve
Stub Drill
Single ended Stub Drill
Double ended Stub Drill
Spade Bit
Cobalt Drill
Long Series Cobalt 2 Flute Slot Drill
Centre Drill
Electricians Drill
Ball Nose Slot Drill
K-Taper Core Adaptor Drill
A-Taper Pilot Drill
Pilot Drill
SDS Plus Drill
Drill Bit Sharpener
Drill Bit Saw
Drill Bit Saw – Metal
Quick Spiral Drill Bit
Drill Bit Set
Core Bit
Core Bit for Tiles
Long Series Tap
Polygon Tap
Spiral Point Tap
Spiral Point Tap
Bright Finish Spiral Point Tap
Spiral Point Blue Ring Tap
Spiral Flute Tap
Spiral Flute Tap
Spiral Flute Blue Ring Tap
Steel Tap Set
Set High Speed Steel Taps
Carbon Steel Tap Set
Left Hand Metric Tap Set
Serial Tap Set
Second Tap
Standard Second Tap
Left Hand Second Tap
Bottom Tap
Standard Bottom Tap
Taper Tap
Standard Taper Tap
UNF Left Hand Bottom Tap
UNF Left Hand Tap Set
UNF Tap Set
UNF Spiral Point Tap
UNF Second Tap
UNF Bottom Tap
UNF Spiral Flute Tap
UNF Taper Tap
UNC Tap Set
UNC Spiral Point Tap
UNC Second Tap
BSW Spiral Flute Tap
BSW Left Hand Tap Set
BSW Tap Set
BSW Spiral Point Tap
BSW Bottom Tap
BSW Left Hand Bottom Tap
BSP Tap Set
BSP Spiral Point Tap
BSP Bottom Tap
NPT Bottom Tap
NPT Taper Tap
NPT Second Tap
BSF Tap Set
BSF Spiral Point Tap
NPS Bottom Tap
BA Tap Set
BA Spiral Point Tap
BSB Second Tap
BSB Bottom Tap
Inter Tap
Metric Circular Die
BSP HSS Circular Die
UNF Left Hand Circular Die
UNF Circular Die
BSW Circular Die
Die Nut
Hex Die Nut
Carbon Steel Die Nut
BSP Hex Die Nut
UNC Carbon Steel Die Nut
UNF Die Nut
BSW Die Nut
BSW Carbon Steel Die Nut
NPT Hex Die Nut
BA Die Nut
UNEF Die Nut
Die Stock
Tap Wrench
Ratchet Type Tap Wrench
Adjustable Tap Wrench
Bar Tap Wrench
T Handle Tap Wrench
Tap and Die Set
Metric Tap and Die Set
Berrylion Tap and Die Set
Repair Insert
Recoil Repair Insert and Kit
Recoil Repair Insert
Recoil Repair Insert Kit
Vasbyt Solid Repair Insert and Kit
Vasbyt Repair Insert
Thread Restorer
Hand Cleaner
Mutton Cloth
Engine Cleaner
Paper Wipes and Wipes Holder
Corrosion Protector
Automotive Consumables
Gear Oil
Direct Drive Compressor
Belt Drive Compressor
Compressor Spares
Spare Compressor Wheel
Petrol Generator
Blade Feeler gauge
Pitch gauge
Dial Indicator Gauge
Contour Gauge
Tape Measure
Webco Tape Measure
Stanley Tape Measure
Freeman Tape Measure
Topex Tape Measure
Stainless Steel Ruler
Spring Divider
Spring Caliper
Caliper Vernier
Digital Caliper
Dial Caliper Vernier
Plastic Vernier
White School Board Chalk
Soapstone Chalk
Marker Pen
White Metal Marker
Artline Paint Marker
Carpenter Pencil
Lumber Crayon
Yellow Lumbar Crayon
Blue Crayon
Stanley Chalkline
Chalkline Refill
Chalkline Refill – Red
Engineering Blue
Engineers Square
Combination Square
Spirit Level
Line Level
Torpedo Level
Digital Multimeter
Mechanics Blue
Distance Measurer
Coating Thickness Tester
Power Tools, Spares and Accessories
Power Tools
Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine Spares
Cordless Drill Machine Battery
Cordless Drill Battery Charger
Drill Accessories
Drill Chuck and Arbour
Chuck Key
Keyless Chuck
Chuck Adaptor SDS+
Chuck Arbour
Standard Drill Chuck
Drill Arbour
Electric Drill Machine
Drill Press
Bench Drill Press
Verto Drill Press
Shear and Shear Blades
Cut-off Machine
Impact Wrench
Mitre Saw and Blades
Mitre Saw
Router and Router Bits
Router Bit and Router Bit Set
Router Bit Set
Circular Saw
Sander and Sander Kits
Belt Sander
Belt Sander
Orbital Sander and Kit
Orbital Sander
Polisher and Spare Polishing Bonnet
Polisher Sheep Skin Bonnet
Power Screwdriver
Angle Grinder and Angle Grinder Kit
Angle Grinder
Verto Angle Grinder
Die Grinder
Straight Grinder
Garden Power Tools
Cordless Pruning Scissors
Verto Cordless Pruning Scissors
Reciprocating Saw
Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum Cleaner – Graphite
Drill and Angle Grinder Kit
Verto Drill and Angle Grinder Kit
Power Tool Spares
Side Handle
Switch and Switch Holder
Carbon Brushes and Holders
Carbon Brushes
Bearing, Ball Bearing and Bearing Holder
Power Tool Bearing
Power Tool Ball Bearing
Washer Nut
Wheel Washer
Collet Chuck
Collet Chuck
Brush Holder
Brush Cap
Power Tool Adaptor
Power Tool Spare Screw
Power Tool Clutch
Power Tool Accessories
Circular / Mitre Saw Blades
Planer Blade
Jigsaw Blade
Reciprocating Blade
Bandsaw Blade
Diamond Blade
Powersaw Blade
Breaker Chisel
Breaker Cold Chisel
Breaker Ashpalt Chisel
Breaker Bull Point Chisel
SDS Plus Chisel
SDS Adaptor
K-Taper Adaptor
Drift Pin Extractor
Short Reach Core Cutter
Long Reach Core Cutter
Pilot Pin for Cutters
Pin Cutter
Power Tool Oil
Cordless Lantern 18V
Air Tools, Spares and Air Accessories
Air Tools
Spray Gun
Low Pressure Spray Gun
High Pressure Spray Gun
Gravity Feed Spray Gun
Spray Gun Spares
Spray Gun Lower Cup
Parrafin Spray Gun
Air Impact Wrench
Air Grinder
Air Die Grinder
Air Angle Grinder
Air Cut-off Grinder
Caulking Gun
Air Drill
Air Screwdriver
Air Rivetor and Air Rivetor Kit
Air Rivetor
Air Sander
Double Action Air Sander
Orbital Air Sander
Air Nailer and Nails
Air Nailer
Air Nails
Air Needle Scaler and Spare Needles
Air Needle Scaler
Air Stapler and Air Staples
Air Stapler
Air Staples
Air Duster
Air Polisher
Air Hammer
Air Tool Accessories
Airline Hose, Connectors and Couplers
Airline Hose
Airline Hose Connectors & Couplers
Airline Lubricator
Airline Regulator and Airline Regulator /Filter Combo
Airline Regulator
Airline Regulator / Filter Combo
Air Fitting Milled Nut
Air Filter
Air Tool Oil
General Purpose Hand Tools
Chipping Hammer
Club Hammer and Handle
Club Hammer
Spare Club Hammer Handle
Ball Pein Hammer and Handle
Ball Pein Hammer
Ball Pein Hammer Handle
Plastic Hammer and Hammer Face
Thor Plastic Hammer
Thor Plastic Hammer Face
Nylon Hammer and Nylon Hammer Face
Thor Nylon Hammer
Thor Nylon Hammer Face
Rawhide Hammer and Rawhide Hammer Face
Rawhide Hammer
Rawhide Hammer Face
Deadblow Hammer
Scutch Hammer and Scutch Combs
Scutch Hammer
Scutch Hammer Comb Only
Sledge Hammer
Sledge Hammer Complete
Berrylion Sledge Hammer
Eng Din Hammer
Claw Hammer
Claw Hammer Complete
Copper Hammer
Machinist Hammer
Rubber Mallet
Combination Plier
Pincer Plier
Concrete Knipper Plier
Fencing Plier
Long Nose Plier
Waterpump Plier
Glass Plier
Crimping Plier
Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Bent Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Outside Straight Circlip Plier
Bent Outside Straight Circlip Plier
Side Cutter Plier
Diagonal Cutting Plier
Plier Set
Mini Needle Nose Plier
Snap Ring Plier
Philips Screwdriver
Standard Philips Screwdriver
Blacktip Philips Screwdriver
Electricians Screwdriver
Standard Electricians Screwdriver
Electricians Blacktip Screwdriver
Stub Screwdriver
Philips Stub Screwdriver
Blacktip Stub Screwdriver
Electricians Stub Screwdriver
Mechanical Screwdriver
Standard Mechanical Screwdriver
Blacktip Mechanical Screwdriver
Torx Screwdriver
Dral Screwdriver
Standard Dral Screwdriver
Screwdriver Sets
Blacktip Screwdriver Set
Standard Screwdriver Set
Jewellers Screwdriver Set
Screwdriver Bit and Bit Adaptor
Screwdriver Bit Set
Philips Screwdriver Bit
Pozi Screwdriver Bit
Flat Slot Screwdriver Bit
Torx Standard and Tamper Bit
Torx Tamper Resist Bit
Torx Screwdriver bit
Hex Screwdriver Bit
Hex Allen Key Insert Bit
Spline Screwdriver Bit
Screwdriver Bit Holder
Drywall Insert Bit
Square Bit
Bit Adaptor
Pozi Screwdriver
Topex 1000v Screwdrivers
Topex 1000v Flat Screwdrivers
Topex 1000v Philips Screwdrivers
Trimming and Utility Cutters and Knives
Trimming Knife and Spare Blades
Retractable Trimming Knife
Rectractable Trimming Knife
Olfa Retractable
Olfa Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife and Spare Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife and Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife
Straight Trimming Blades
Hook Trimming Blades
H1 Cutter and Spare Blades
Shoe Knife
Utility Knife and Blade
Utility Knife
Utility Knife Blade
Fitters Knife
Allen Keys, Torx Key and Allen Key Sets
Allen Key
Metric Allen Key
Standard Metric Allen Key
Long Reach Metric Allen Key
Imperial Allen Key
Standard Reach Imperial Allen Key
Long Reach Imperial Allen Key
T Handle Allen Key
Allen Key Sets
Metric Allen Key Set
Imperial Allen Key Set
T- Handle Allan Key Set
Ballpoint Allan Key Set
Torx Key and Torx Key Sets
Torx Allan Key Set
Screw Extractors
Hacksaw and Blades
Hacksaw Blades
Bowsaw Blade
Junior Hacksaw and Blade
Junior Hacksaw
Junior Hacksaw Blade
Coping Saw
Coping Saw Blade
Saw Blade Holder
Wheel Spanner
Combination Spanner
Imperial Combination Spanner
Metric Combination Spanner and Spanner Set
Metric Combination Spanner
Metric Combination Spanner set
Ring Spanner
Open End Spanner
Open End Swivel Spanner
Double Open Ended Spanner
Shifting Spanner and Spares
Shifting Spanner
Shifting Spanner Spares
Spark Plug Spanner
Tube Spanner
Ratchet Spanner
Pipe Wrench
Berrylion Heavy Duty Pipe Wrench
R/R Kennedy Wrench
Torque Wrench
Strap Wrench
Strap Wrench strap only
Double Socket Ratchet Wrench
Round Deltron Chassis Punch
Punch Set
Knife and Scissors Sharpener
File Handle
Plastic File Handle
Rasp File
Half Round Rasp File
Rotary File
Smooth File
Flat Smooth File
Round Smooth File
Square Smooth File
Half Round Smooth File
Triangular Smooth File
Needle File Set
2nd Cut File
Flat 2nd Cut File
Warding 2nd Cut File
Round 2nd Cut File
Square 2nd Cut File
Half Round 2nd Cut File
Triangular 2nd Cut File
Mill File
Bastard File
Flat Bastard File
Half Round Bastard File
Round Bastard File
Square Bastard File
Chain Saw File
File Cleaning Brush
Cutter / Shear
Cable Cutter
Tube Cutter and Spare Tube Cutter Wheel
Tube Cutter
Spare Tube Cutter Wheel
Wire Cutter
Circle Cutter
Bolt Cutter
Glass Cutter
Vice Grips
Standard Vice Grip
Welding Vice Grip
C Clamp Vice Grip
Sheet Metal Vice Grip
Curved Jaw Vice Grip
Straight Jaw Vice Ggrip
Sparkplug Socket
Allen Key Socket
1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
Long Series 1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
1/4 dr Allen Key Socket
1/4 dr Allen Key Socket
3/8 dr Allen Key Socket
Imperial Socket
Imperial 1/2 Dr Socket
Imperial 1/4 Dr Socket
Imperial 1/4 Dr Socket
Imperial 3/8 Dr Socket
Imperial 3/4 Dr Socket
Metric Socket
Metric 1/2 Dr Socket
Metric 1/4 Dr Socket
Metric 3/8 Dr Socket
3/8 Dr Standard Socket
Socket Set
1/2 Dr Socket Set
1/2 Dr Standard Socket Set
3/8 Dr Socket Set
1/4 Dr Socket Set
Topex Socket Set
Torx Socket
1/2 Dr Torx Socket
3/8 Dr Torx Socket
Bihex Socket
Deep Reach Socket
Impact Socket
1/2 Dr Impact Socket
1/2 Dr Impact Socket
Long Series 1/2 Dr Impact Socket
3/4 Dr Impact Socket
3/4 Dr Impact Socket
1" Dr Impact Socket
1" Dr Impact Socket
Spline Socket
1/2" Dr Spline Socket
Socket Extention
Socket Universal Swivel
T Bar
1/2 Dr T Bar
3/4 Dr T Bar
1/4" Dr T Bar
Cold Chisel
Flat Cold Chisel
Pointed Cold Chisel
Bevel Edge Chisel
Aviation Tinsnips
Aviation Straight Tinsnips
Aviation Left Tinsnips
Aviation Right Tinsnips
Wrecking Bar
Staple Gun and Staples
Hand Staple Gun
Stanley Staples
Heat Gun
Ratchet and Ratchet Coupler
Ratchet spare coupler
Ratchet Coupler
Impact Driver and Spare Bits
Impact Driver Spare Bits
Regrip for hand tools
Deburring Tool and Spare Blades
Deburring Tool
Deburring Tool Spare Blade
Multi Tool
Neo 10Pc Multi Tool
Holesaws and Accessories
Holesaw Arbour
Holesaw Arbour
Holesaw Arbour Grub Screw
Holesaw Pilot Drill
HSS Bi-metal Holesaw
Plumbing Tools
Blow Torch
Blow Torch
Toolboxes , Tool Bags and Tool Kits
Toolkit and Tool Insert
Topex Tool Kit
Toolkit Insert
Empty Toolbox and Inserts
Empty Toolbox
Utility Box
Tool Cabinet
Topex Workshop Tool Cabinet
Neo Workshop Tool Trolley
Steel Trunk
Tool Box Complete
Topex Cantilever Tool Box Complete
Topex Tool Kit in Plastic Tool Box
Woodworking Tools
Auger Bit
Eye Auger Bit
Plug Cutter
Wood Bit
Wood Gimlet
Angle Drive
Engineering and Metal Working Tools
Vice and Vice Accessories
Bench Vice and Accessories
Bench Vice
Vice Nut
Vice Jaws
Pin Vice
Drill Press Vice
Forged G Clamp
Quick Grip Clamp
Ribbed G Clamp
Band Clamp
German F-Type Clamp
End mill and HSS Cutter
Pin Punch
Wad Punch
Headed Punch
Punch Belt
Set Figure Punches
Set Letter Punches
Centre Punch
Tool Bit
Square Tool Bit
Round Tool Bit
Drill Bush
Deburring Tool and Accessories
Tungsten Carbide Burr
Deburring Handle
Deburring Blade
Tool Jacket
Buff Packing Tape – Brown
Buff Packing Tape – Clear
Barrier Tape
Masking Tape
Duct Tape
Double Sided Tape
Double Sided Tape
Nitto Tape
Carpet Tape
Paint Scraper and Spare Blades
Paint Scraper
White Wash Brush
Wire Brush
Stainless Steel Wire Brush
Block Wire Brush
Paint Brushes
Wood Filler
Paint and Painting Accessories
Spray Paint
Cold Zinc Spray
Oxide Paint
Red Oxide Paint
Paint Strainer
Galvanised Chain
Cable Ties
Black Cable Ties
Natural Cable Ties
Locks and Padlocks
Standard Padlock
Keyed alike Padlock
Discus Padlock
Hasp and Staple
Barrel Bolt
Tension Springs
Stainless Steel Tension Springs
Butt Hinge
Steel Butt Hinge
Bullet Hinge
Painting Accessories
Roller Refill
Painting Tray complete with Roller
Spades and Shovels
Pick handle
Engraving Tool
Gate Roller
Key Ring
Nail Leather Bag
Tool Pouch
Oil Stone
Buffing Soap
Screw Eyes
Dry Pressure Duster
Dust Pan and Brush set
Copper Ferrules
Aluminium ferrules
Bubble Wrap
Corrugated Cardboard (Roll)
Welding Equip & Consumables
Welding Rods
Cast Iron Welding Rod
Stainless Steel Welding Rod
Low Hydrogen Welding Rod
Hardfacing Welding Rod
Tool Steel Welding Rod
Mild steel welding rod
Copper Welding Rod
Aluminium Welding Rods
Welding & Earth Cable and Accessories
Welding Earth Cable
Welding Cable Kit
Cable Connector
Welding and Cutting Kit
Welding Cable
Welding Machine
Invertor Welding Machine and spares
Invertor Welding Machine
MIG Invertor Machine
Welding Electrode Holder
Welding Earth Holder
Welding Hose and Accessories
Welding Hose Tail Piece
Welding Hose
Hose Nut
Welding Lense
Auto Darkening
Welding Screen
Welding Spats
Welding Yoke Chrome Leather
Welding Helmet and Welding Goggles
Flip front welding helmet
Auto Darkening Helmet
Spare Head strap for welding helmet
Welding Wire Brush
Welding Torch
Torch Cutting Attachment
Torch Handle Shank
Torch Mixer
Torch Universal Blk
Torch Tip Nut
Flashback Arrestor
Welding Lighter and Flints
Welding Lighter
Nozzle Cutter
Welding Regulator
Tig Welding Spares
Tig Collet
Tig Alumina
Tig Back Cap
Tig Cup Gasket
Tig Valve
Tig Handle
Tig Torch Body
Tig Switch
Tig Nut
Tig Clamp
Tig Connector
Tig Tungsten
Tig Torch
Tig Wire
Mig Welding Spares and Accessories
Mig Liner
Mig Snozzle / Shroud
Mig Tip Adaptor
Mig Tip Contact
Mig Swan Neck
Mig Torch BNZ
Mig Gas Diffuser
Welding Lugs
Welding Oil
Welding Magnet
Welding Anti-Spatter
Welding Nozzle Cleaner
Mig Wire
Soldering Equip & Consumables
Soldering Iron and Stand
Soldering Iron
Acid Core Solder
Acid Core Solder
Resin Core Solder
Solder Paste
Soldering Iron Tips
Soldering Sucker and Spare Tips
Soldering Sucker
Brazing Equip & Consumables
Brazing Flux
Brass Brazing Flux
Silver Brazing Flux
Brazing Brush
Flint Lighter and Spare Flints
Spare Lighter FLints
Brazing Rods
Brazing Rods (Pre-pack)
Chrome Leather Apron
White Plastic Apron
PVC Apron
Brown Bib Apron
Safety Vest
Dayglo Orange Vest
Orange Safety Bib
Glass Carrying Glove
Chrome Leather Double Palm Glove
Wan PVC Cuff Glove
Wan Mens Knitted Glove
Heavy Duty Elbow Glove
Heavy Duty Rubber wrist Glove
Heavy Duty Rubber Shoulder Glove
Polka Dot Canvas Glove
Heavy Duty Yellow Comarex Glove
Disposable Glove
Wan Pig Skin Complete Glove
Pig Skin Candy Stripe Glove
VIP Tig Goat Skin Glove
Yellow Latex House Glove
Black Latex Builders Glove
Heat Resistant Glove
Heavy Duty Wan Green Glove
Nitrile Glove
Dust Coat
Clear Safety Spectacles
Wrap Around Spectacles
Amber Safety Spectacles
Grinding Goggles
Flip Front Welding Goggles
Green Mono Goggles
Gas Welding Flip Front Goggles
Hard Hat
Hard Hat
Hard hat Inners
Gum Boots
Safety Boots
Raincoats and Rain suits
Safety Belt with webbing and chain
Safety Belt
Safety Harness with Lanyard
Webbing Lanyard with safety hook
Rhino Clear Shield Helmet
Head mount Clear Shield Helmet
Respirator / Mask & Spare Filters
Dust Mask
Respirator and Spare Filters
Respirator Doris Single
Respirator Doris Double
Respirator Filters
Face Mask
Face Mask – 2 layer cloth
Ear Protection
Ear Muffs
Ear Plugs
First Aid
First Aid Refill
Welding Cotton Cap
Nylon Slings
Sanitisers and Sanitiser stands
Bottled Sanitiser
Sanitiser Stands
Steel Cutoff Disc
Stainless Steel Cutting Disc
Stone Cutting Disc
Steel Cutting Disc
Steel Grinding Disc
Fibre Disc
Stainless Steel Abrasive Mop Disc
Steel Abrasive Mop Disc
Sanding Disc
Velcro Fibre Disc
Stainless Steel Grinding Disc
C Crop Disc
Aluminium Cutting Disc
Abrasive Disc Accessories
Fixing Spindle for abrasive disc
Grinding Wheel
Flap Wheel
Water Paper
Cabinet Paper
Endless Belt
Emory Cloth
Glass Polishing Belt
Spiraband and Spiraband Holder
Spiraband Holder
Scotch Brite Hand Pads
Floor Paper
Wire Brush
Wire Cup Brush
Port Cleaning Brush
Wire Wheel Brush
Wire Wheel
Mounted Wire Wheel
Stainless Steel Wire Wheel
Wheel Dresser
Backing Pad
Mounted Stone
Ruby Mounted Point
Buffing Wheel
Finishing Mop
Cleaning Wheel
Cutting Paste
Cutting, Tapping, Drilling Fluid / Oil
Silicone Spray
Rust Off
Penetrating Oil / Spray
Electrical Cleaner
Graphite Penetrating Fluid
Chain Lubricating Spray
Mould Protector
Switch Cleaner
Silicone Paste
Copper Compound
Fishing Tackle Protector
Belt Dressing
Hydraulic Oil
Silicone Sealant and Silicone Remover
Silicone Sealant
Silicone Gun
Quick Set Steel Glue
Quick Set White Glue
Quick Set Clear Glue
Wonderfix White Glue
Wonderfix Car Glue
Glue Stick
Wood Glue
Contact Adhesive
Glue Screw
Glue Cleaner or Remover
Sticker Glue Remover
Quick Set Steel Putty
Quick Set White Putty
Standard Set White Putty
Disc Adhesive
Polyurethane Spray and Cleaner
Polyurethane Spray
Flexible Gasket
Hydraulic Sealant
Pipe Sealant
Bearing Mount
Retaining Compound
Gasket Sealant
Penetrating Adhesive
Structural Adhesive
H Temp
Glue Gun and spare glue gun nozzles
Glue Gun
Glue Gun Nozzle
Loctite Adhesive Cleaner
Crimping and Swage Tool
Hydraulic Crimping Tool and accessories
Fish Tape
Wire Strippers
Extention Reel
Extention Cord Complete with Janus Coupler
Janus Plug
Bayonet Globe
Batteries, Battery Charger and Accessories
AAA Battery
Battery Booster Cables
Cable Clips
Pre-pack Cable Clips
Inspection Lamp
Inspection Lamp Adaptor
3 Pin 15 Amp Plug
Nylon Plug
Rubber Plug
Electronic Tester
Voltage Tester
PVC Pipe Spring Bender
Nylon Rope
Wire Rope
Galvanised Wire Rope
Stainless Steel Wire Rope
PVC Coated Wire Rope
Manilla Rope
Steel Balls
Jerry Can
Telescopic Mirror
Oblong Mirror telescope
Bottle Jack
Trolley Jack
Ratchet Trestle
Piston Ring Compression Tool
Cylinder hone tool and Stones
Honing Tool
Tool Pickup
Magnetic Tool Pickup
Heavy Duty Puller
2 Jaw Heavy Duty Puller
3 Jaw Heavy Duty Puller
Flaring Tool
Oil Filter Remover
Bearing Separator
Quick Start Spray
Anti-mist Spray
Flaw Crack Detector
Oil Suction Gun
Chemical Pump
Rotary Barrel Pump
Lever Barrel Pump
Hand Lift Pump
High Viscosity Pump
Emergency Boost Starter
High Pressure Spray Cleaner
Coil Spring Compressor
Brand Fixitfast
Brand Hikoki
Brand Klingspor
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Mild Steel Bolt and Nut
XOX Mild Steel Bolt and Nut (Stock)
XOX Mild Steel Bolt and Nut Hot Dip Galvanised
Nylon Bolt
HT Bolt 8.8 grade
HT Bolt 10.9 grade
UNC Bolt
BSF Bolt
UNF Bolt
S S 304 Bolt
S S 316 Bolt
1.25 Pitch M F Bolt
1.5 pitch M F Bolt
1.0 pitch M F Bolt
CSK Nib Bolt and Nuts
J Bolt
Galv J Bolt
Plough Bolt and Nut
Metric Plough Bolt and Nut
Imperial Plough Bolt and Nut
Foundation Bolt
Cup Square Bolt and Nut
Mild Steel Cup Square Bolt and nut
304 Stainless Steel Cup Square Bolt (Import)
Banjo Bolt
Gutter Bolt and Nut
Hook Bolt and Nut
Eye Bolt and Nut
Pigtail Eye Bolt
Wood Pigtail Eye Bolt
Galv Eye Bolt
Tested Eye Bolt
304 Stainless Steel Eye Bolt
Set Screw
Nylon Set Screw
Galv Set Screws
Galv Set Screw (Stock)
Galv Set Screw (Import)
HDG Set Screw
Mild Steel HDG Set Screw
Hi Tensile HDG Set Screw
Brass Set Screw
Metric Brass Set Screw
HT Set Screw
8.8 Grade HT Set Screw
10.9 Grade HT Set Screw
HT Galv Set Screw
BSW HT Set Screw
Tensilock HT Set Screw
Stainless Steel Set Screw
304 Stainless Steel Set Screw
304 Stainless Steel Set Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Set Screw
BSW S S 304 Set Screw
U Bolt
Galv U Bolt
Sq Galv U Bolt
S S 304 U Bolt
Machine Screw
Cheese Head Machine Screw
Nylon Cheese Head Machine Screw
Steel Cheese Head Machine Screw
Steel Cheese Head Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Galv Trim Head Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw (Stock)
Cheese Head Galv Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw
Metric Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw (Stock)
BA Cheese Head Brass Machine Screw
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw (Stock)
Cheese Head 304 S S Machine Screw (Import)
Cheese Head 316 S S Machine Screw
Cheese Head 316 S S Machine Screw (Stock)
Csk Head Slotted Machine Screw
Nylon CSK Machine Screw
Steel CSK Machine Screw
BSW Steel Csk Machine Screw
Galv CSK Machine Screw
Galv CSK Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv CSK Machine Screw (Import)
Brass CSK Machine Screw
Metric Brass Csk Machine Screw
BA Brass Csk Machine Screw
Galv Torx CSK Machine Screw (Import)
Stainless Steel CSK Machine Screw
S S 304 CSK Machine Screw
S S 304 CSK Machine Screw (Stock)
S S 316 CSK Machine Screw
Csk Head Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
S S Csk Pozi Machine Screw
S S Csk Pozi Machine Screw (Local)
Csk Head Philips Machine Screw
S S Csk Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Rsd Csk Galv Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Head Slotted Machine Screw
Galv Pan Head Machine Screw
S S 304 Pan Head Machine Screw
Pan Head Combo Machine Screw
Galv Pan Combo Machine Screw
Imperial Pan Combo Machine Screw
Pan Head Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
Galv Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Stock)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Head Philips Machine Screw
S S Pan Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Bright Zinc Pan Philips Machine Screw (Import)
Pan Philips Washer Face Machine Screw (Import)
Round Head Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Steel Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Brass Machine Screw
BSW Round Head Galv Metric Machine Screw
Countersunk Wood screws
Steel Countersunk Woodscrews
Solid Brass Countersunk Woodscrews
Brass Plated Countersunk Woodscrews
Nickel Countersunk Woodscrews
S S 304 Countersunk Woodscrews
S S 316 Countersunk Woodscrews
Round Head Woodscrew
Round Head Steel Woodscrew
Round Head B Japan Woodscrew
Round Head Brass Plated Woodscrew
Round Head Nickel Plated Wooscrew
Assorted Woodscrew Pack
Roofing Screw
Type 17 Roofing Screw
El Torro Roofing Screw
Coach Screw
Hex Galv Coach Screw
Galvanised Coach Screw
Hex S S Coach Screw
Security Coach Screw
Stitching Screw
S S 304 Topspeed
Galv Topspeed
HDG Drive Screw
Skirting Screw
Nail-in Anchor
Hammer Drive Screw
ZY Hammer Drive Screw
S S Hammer Drive Screw (Import)
G Screw
Chipboard Screw
Z Y CSK Chipboard Screw
Pan Pozi Chipboard Screw
Square Head Chipboard Screw
Type 17 Chipboard Screw
S S Chipboard Screw
Drywall Screw
Csk Pozi Drywall Screw
Self Drilling Csk Pozi Drywall Screw
Self Tapper
Pan Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Galv Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Import)
S S 304 Pan Pozi Self Tapper
S S 304 Pan Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Pan Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Pan Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Pan Slot Self Tapper (Stock)
Brass Plated Pan Slot Self Tapper
S S 304 Pan Slot Self Tapper
Csk Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Csk Slot Self Tapper
S S 304 Csk Slot Self Tapper
Raised Slot Self Tapper
Galvanised Raised Slot Self Tapper
Nickel Plated Raised Slot Self Tapper
Brass Plated Raised Slot Self Tapper
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter (Stock)
Pan Pozi Thread Cutter (Import)
Pan Philips Self Tapper
Pan Philips Self Tapper (Import)
Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Galvanised Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Brass Plated Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Nickel Plated Csk Pozi Self Tapper
S Steel Csk Pozi Self Tapper
Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Galvanised Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Brass Plated Raised Pozi Self Tapper
S Steel Raised Pozi Self Tapper
Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper
Galv Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper (Stock)
Galv Mushroom Head Pozi Self Tapper (Import)
Pan Combo Self Tapper
Galv Pan Combo Self Tapper
Hex Head Self Tapper
Galv Hex Head Self Tapper
Assorted Self Tapper Kit
Pan Eco Screw (Import)
One Way Screws
One Way Screws
Tek Screw
Wafer Tek Screw SDS
American Wafer Tek Screw
Galv Tek Screw
Hex Tek Screw
CSK Wing Tek Screw
Pan Tek Screw
Pan Tek Screw (Stock)
Pan Tek Screw (Import)
S Steel Tek Screw
Class 3 Tek Screw
Disc Washer
Spring Disc Washer
Taper Washer
Steel Taper Washer
Flat Washer
Din 125 Galv Flat Washer
Bright Flat Washer
Steel Flat Washer
Galv Flat Washer
Galv Flat Washer (Stock)
Brass Flat Washer
HDG Flat Washer
Through Hardened Flat Washer
Copper Flat Washer
Copper Washers
S S 304 Flat Washer
S S 316 Flat Washer
S S 316 Flat Washer (Stock)
Fibre Flat Washer
Fibre Flat Washers
Assorted Set of Fibre Flat Washers
Nylon Flat Washer
Din 125 S steel Flat Washer
Nordlock Washer
Tab Washer
Steel Tab Washer
S Steel Tab Washer
S Steel Double Tab Washer
Dowty Washer
Spring Washer
Steel Spring Washer
Steel Spring Washer
Galv Spring Washer
Galvanised Spring Washer (Stock)
Galvanised Spring Washer (Import)
Galv Flat Medium Spring Washer
Brass Spring Washer
Square Heavy Spring Washer
S S 304 Spring Washer
S S 316 Spring Washer
S S 316 Spring Washer (Stock)
Hot Dipped Galv Spring Washer
Star Washer
Galv Internal Star Washer
Galv External Star Washer
S S 304 Internal Star Washer
S S 304 Internal Star Washer (Stock)
S S 304 External Star Washer
Fender Washer
Galv Fender Washer
S S 304 Fender Washer
Bonded Washer
Black Cut Washer
Cup Washer
Standard Cup Washer
Brassed Cup Washer
Black Cup Washer
Nylon Cup Washer
Wavy Washer
Wavy Washer (Stock)
Crinkle Washer
S S 304 Crinkle Washer
Pop Rivet Washer
Pop Rivet Washer
Schnorr Black Washer
Set of Brass Assorted Shimstock
Square Washer
Push on Fix
Standard Push On Fix
Standard Push On Fix (Local)
Standard Push On Fix (Import)
Capped Push On Fix
Shear Nut
Hexagonal Nut
Hex Nylon Nut
Hex Nylon Nut (Stock)
Hex Galv Nut (Stock & Import)
Hex Galv Nut (Stock)
Hex Galv Nut (Import)
Hex HT 8.8 Grade Nut
Hex HT HDG Nut
Hex Metric 2H Nut
Hex Brass Nut
Metric Hex Brass Nut
Metric Hex Brass Nut (Stock)
BSW Hex Brass Nut
Hex BA Brass Nut
Hex HT Left Hand Nut
Hex HT Left Hand Nut (Stock)
Hex HT Left Hand Nut (Import)
Hex UNC HT Nut
Hex BSW HT Nut
Hex BSF HT Nut
Hex UNF HT Nut
Hex 304 Stanless Steel Nut
Hex BSW Stainless Steel Nut
Hex 1.25 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 1.5 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 1.0 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 2.0 Metric Fine Nut
Hex 316 Stanless Steel Nut
Dome Nut
Chrome Plated Dome Nut
Chrome Dome Nut (Stock)
Chrome Dome Nut (Import)
Brass Dome Nut
S Steel 304 Dome Nut
Lock Nut
Steel Lock Nut
Galv Lock Nut
Galv Lock Nut (Stock)
Galv Lock Nut (Import)
Brass Lock Nut
HT Lock Nut
S Steel 304 Lock Nut
S Steel 316 Lock Nut
Metric Fine 1.0 Steel Lock Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Lock Nut
Metric Fine 2.0 Lock Nut
Tensilock Nut
Steel Tensilock Nut
Wing Nut
Galv Wing Nut
Galvanised Wing Nut (Stock)
Brass Wing Nut
Brass BSW Wing Nut
Steel Imperial Wing Nut
304 Stainless Steel Wing Nut
Square Pressed Nut
Galv Square Pressed Nut
Imperial Square Pressed Nut
Nyloc Nut
Brass Nyloc Nut
Galv Nyloc Nut
UNC Nyloc Nut
BSW Nyloc Nut
BSF Nyloc Nut
UNF Nyloc Nut
S S 304 Nyloc Nut
S S 316 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Nyloc Nut
Metric Fine 1.0 Nyloc Nut
Hank Nut
T Nut
Galv T Nut (Stock)
Galv T Nut (Import)
Cage Nut
Steel Cage Nut
Steel Cage Nut (Stock)
Steel Cage Nut (Import)
Extension Nut
Galv Extention Nut
Cleveloc Nut
Galv Cleveloc Nut
Eye Nut
Galv Eye Nut
Weld Nut
Hex Weld Nut
Square Weld Nut
Spring Nut
Galv Spring Nut
Steel Spring Nut
Copper Exhaust Nut
Castle Nut
Steel Castle Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Castle Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Castle Nut
Wheel Nut
Metric Fine 1.25 Wheel Nut
Metric Fine 1.5 Wheel Nut
Clinch Nut, Clinch Gun and Spares
Low Profile Clinch Nut
Large Flange Clinch Nut
Stainless Steel Large Flange Clinch Nut
Stainless Steel Low Profile Clinch Nut
Clinch Nut Gun and Spares
Clinch Nut Gun
Clinch Nut Gun Spares
Flange Nut
Flange Nut with Serations
Standard Flange Nut
Speed Nut
Speed Clip
Speed Clip – Mercedes
Speed Clip – BMW
Speed Clip – Ford
Speed Clip – Universal
Standard Steel Rawlbolt
Rawlbolt Eye-bolt
Standard Stainless Steel Rawlbolt
Rawlbolt Hook Bolt
Hex Masonry Bolt
Hex Masonry Bolt
Countersunk Pozi Drive Masonry Bolt
Hook eye-bolt Masonry Bolt
Shield Anchor
Zinc Yellow Shield Anchor
Chemical Anchor and Vinelyster Resin
Chemical Anchor Complete
Stainless Steel Anchor Studs only
Vinelyster Resin, Gun and Pump
Vinelyster Resin
Vinelyster Mortar Gun
Vinelyster Mortar Pump (cleaning of Nozzles)
Vinelyster Resin Spare Nozzle
DSM Masonry Anchor
Sleeve Anchor
Standard Zinc Yellow Sleeve Anchor
Stainless Steel Sleeve Anchor
Hollow Wall Anchor and Setting Tool
Hollow Wall Anchor
Hollow Wall Anchor Setting Tool
Tru Anchor
Standard Tru Anchor
Standard Trubolt
Wedge Anchor
Leg Adjustor
Silver Steel
Metric Silver Steel
Imperial Silver Steel
Metric Keysteel
Imperial Keysteel
Threaded Rod
Steel Threaded Rod
Galvanised Threaded Rod
Hot Dip Galv Threaded Rod
Metric Brass Threaded Rod
Hi Tensile Threaded Rod
Left Hand Threaded Rod
UNC Threaded Rod
BSW Threaded Rod
BSF Threaded Rod
UNF Threaded Rod
Stainless Steel 304 Threaded Rod
Stainless Steel 316 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.25 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.5 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 1.0 Threaded Rod
Metric Fine 2,0 Threaded Rod
Threaded Hollow Tube
Galvanised Studs
Steel Studs
Stud Bolt
B7 Stud Bolt
Wurth Manifold Stud
EN8 Galv Stud
BSW Stud
UNF Stud
304 Stainless Steel Stud
316 Stainless Steel Stud
304 Stainless Steel Running Stud
316 Stainless Steel Running Stud
Wheel Stud
Self Clinching Stud
Brass Cup Hook
D Shackle
Galvanised D Shackle
Commercial Shackle
Carabine Shackle
Galvanised eye & eye Turnbuckle
Galvanised Hook & Eye Turnbuckle
Rope Clamp
Wire Rope Clamp
D/F Wire Rope Clamp
Stainless Steel Wire Rope Clamp
Galvanised Thimble
Cap Screw
Low Head Cap Screw
HT Low Head Cap Screw
Stainless Steel Low Head Cap Screw
Button Head Cap Screw
HT Button Head Cap Screw
HT Button Head Cap Screw (Stock)
HT Button Head Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Button Head Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Button Head Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Button Head Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainlees Steel Button Head Cap Screw
Standard Cap Screw
HT Cap Screw
Cap Screw (Stock)
Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Cap Screw
BSW Cap Screw (Stock)
UNC Cap Screw
BSF Cap Screw
UNF Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Cap Screw
Metric Fine Cap Screw
BA Cap Screw
BSW Stainless Steel Cap Screw
Countersunk Cap Screw
HT Countersunk Cap Screw
HT Countersunk Cap Screw (Stock)
HT Countersunk Cap Screw (Import)
BSW Countersunk Cap Screw
BSF Countersunk Cap Screw
UNFCountersunk Cap Screw
304 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap
304 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap Screw (Stock)
316 Stainless Steel Countersunk Cap
Shoulder Cap Screw
HT Metric Shoulder Cap Screw
BSW Shoulder Cap Screw
Torx Cap Screw
Stainless Steel Torx Cap Screw
Import Stainless Steel Torx Cap Screw
Grub Screw
HT Grub Screw
Cone Point Grub Screw
UNC Grub Screw
BSW Grub Screw
BSF Grub Screw
UNF Grub Screw
BA Grub Screw
Stainless Steel Grub Screw
304 Stainless Steel Grub Screw
Sump Plug
BSP Pressure Plug
NPT Pressure Plug
Dowel Pin
Metric Hardened Steel Dowel Pin
Imperial Dowel Pin
Selloc Pin
Metric Selloc Pin
Metric Selloc Pins (Stock)
Metric Selloc Pins (Import)
Imperial Selloc Pin
Split Pin
Galvanised Split Pin
Brass Split Pin
Stainless Steel Split Pin
Assorted Split Pin Kit
Internal Circlip
Steel Internal Circlip
Steel Internal Circlip
Stainless Steel Internal Circlip
Assorted Internal Circlip Kit
External Circlip
Steel External Circlip
Steel External Circlip (Stock)
Steel External Circlip (Import)
Stainless Steel External Circlip
Internal & External Cirlip Kit
RS Clip
RS Clip (Stock)
Retaining Clip
Single Loop Retaining Clip
Double Loop Retaining Clip
E Clip
Stainless Steel E Clip (Import)
Snap Ring (Import)
Spring Toggle
Pop Rivet
Steel Pop Rivet
Black Japan Pop Rivet
Stainless Steel Pop Rivet
Standard Aluminium Pop Rivet
Aluminium Pop Rivet
Large Flange Pop Rivet
Large Flange Pop Rivet
Countersunk Aluminium Pop Rivet
Countersunk Black Japan Aluminium Pop Rivet
Sealed Pop Rivet
Peeled Pop Rivet
Aluminium White Rivet
Aluminium Blue Rivet
Aluminium Black Rivet
Aluminium Red Rivet
Aluminium Yellow Rivet
Aluminium Green Rivet
Monel Pop Rivet
Cup Steel Rivet
Copper Nickel Rivet
Countersunk Steel Rivet
Tinman Rivet
Tinman Head Window Fixing Rivet
Rivet Gun and Spares
Rivet Gun
Spare Rivet Gun Jaws
Spare Rivet Gun Nose Piece
Solid Rivet
Part Tubular Nickel Plated Solid Rivet
Round Head Steel Solid Rivet
Round Head Aluminium Solid Rivet
Round Wire Nail
Panel Pin
Clout Nail
Steel Clout Nail
Galvanised Clout Nail
Cut Steel Nail
Concrete Hard Nail
Ring Shank Nail
Mirror Domes Collars
Silver Mirror Domes and Collars
Binder Posts
Nickel Plated Binder Posts (Import)
Furniture Fastener
Furniture Cross Dowel
Furniture Screw
Furniture Cap
Rumpa Stud
Decking Screw
Rubber Grommets
Blanking Grommets
O Ring and O Ring Cord
Hose Clamp
Galvanised Mild Steel Hose Clamp
Stainless Steel Hose Clamp
Turbo Screw
Wall concrete Plug
Nylon Wall Plug
Fischer Nylon Wall Plug
Standard Nylon Wall Plug (Local)
Speed Plug
Fixing Solutions
Nail-in Anchor
Standard Nail-in Anchor (Local)
Fischer Nail-in Anchor with thread
Nylon Toggles
Fisher Fixings
Fischer Plasterboad Fixing
Fischer Toggle Fixings
Fischer Toggle with a nut
Fischer Toggle with a hook
Fischer Frame Fixing
Fischer Nail in Anchor
Fischer Universal Plug with Chipboard Screw
Fischer Nylon Wall Plug
Stand-off Fastener
Hexagonal Spacing Stand-off Fastener
Fastener Kits
FixItFast Pre-packs
FixItFast Pre-packed Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Flat Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Fender Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Spring Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Bonded Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Pop Rivet Washers
FixItFast Pre-packed Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Nyloc Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Dome Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Hexagonal Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Gutter Bolts and Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Gutter Bolts and Square Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Set Screws and Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Set Screws and Hexagonal Nuts
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Steel Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Brass Plated Wood Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Coach Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Coach Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Drywall Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Course Drywall Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Pozi Head Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Square Head Chipboard Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Decking Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Trim Head Ruspert Coated Decking Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Hexagonal Flanged Head Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Wafer SDS Tek Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Self Tapping Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Pan Head Combo Self Tapping Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Nail-in Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Shield Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Hex Head Bolt Shield Anchors
FixItFast Pre-packed Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Standard Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Peeled Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Large Flanged Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Countersunk Aluminium Pop Rivets
FixItFast Pre-packed Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Cheese Head Machine Screws
FixItFast Pre-packed Galvanised Countersunk Head Machine Screws
Grease Nipple
Galv Grease Nipple
Straight Galv Grease Nipple
45 degree Galv Grease Nipple
90 Degree Galv Grease Nipple
BSP Grease Nipple
BSP Straight Grease Nipple
45 Degree BSP Grease Nipple
90 Degree BSP Grease Nipple
BSP Button Head Grease Nipple
NPT Straight Grease Nipple
Grease Nipple Kit
Grease Gun and Accessories
Grease Gun
Grease Gun Coupler
Oil Dispensor
Oil Can
Grease Pump
2 Flute Slot Drill
Wood Drill
HSS Drill
FEW Metric HSS Drill
Hawera High Speed Steel Drill Bits
Somta Metric HSS Drill
Glass and Tile Drill
Masonry Drill
Long Series Masonry Drill
Pecker Drill
Long Series HSS Drill Bit
Step Drill
HSS Tree Drill
Multi Construct Drill
Tile Ceramic and Marble Drill
SDS-Max Drill
SDS drill
Core Drill
MTS Drill and Drill Sleeves
MTS Drill
Drill Sleeve
Stub Drill
Single ended Stub Drill
Double ended Stub Drill
Spade Bit
Cobalt Drill
Long Series Cobalt 2 Flute Slot Drill
Centre Drill
Electricians Drill
Ball Nose Slot Drill
K-Taper Core Adaptor Drill
A-Taper Pilot Drill
Pilot Drill
SDS Plus Drill
Drill Bit Sharpener
Drill Bit Saw
Drill Bit Saw – Metal
Quick Spiral Drill Bit
Drill Bit Set
Core Bit
Core Bit for Tiles
Long Series Tap
Polygon Tap
Spiral Point Tap
Spiral Point Tap
Bright Finish Spiral Point Tap
Spiral Point Blue Ring Tap
Spiral Flute Tap
Spiral Flute Tap
Spiral Flute Blue Ring Tap
Steel Tap Set
Set High Speed Steel Taps
Carbon Steel Tap Set
Left Hand Metric Tap Set
Serial Tap Set
Second Tap
Standard Second Tap
Left Hand Second Tap
Bottom Tap
Standard Bottom Tap
Taper Tap
Standard Taper Tap
UNF Left Hand Bottom Tap
UNF Left Hand Tap Set
UNF Tap Set
UNF Spiral Point Tap
UNF Second Tap
UNF Bottom Tap
UNF Spiral Flute Tap
UNF Taper Tap
UNC Tap Set
UNC Spiral Point Tap
UNC Second Tap
BSW Spiral Flute Tap
BSW Left Hand Tap Set
BSW Tap Set
BSW Spiral Point Tap
BSW Bottom Tap
BSW Left Hand Bottom Tap
BSP Tap Set
BSP Spiral Point Tap
BSP Bottom Tap
NPT Bottom Tap
NPT Taper Tap
NPT Second Tap
BSF Tap Set
BSF Spiral Point Tap
NPS Bottom Tap
BA Tap Set
BA Spiral Point Tap
BSB Second Tap
BSB Bottom Tap
Inter Tap
Metric Circular Die
BSP HSS Circular Die
UNF Left Hand Circular Die
UNF Circular Die
BSW Circular Die
Die Nut
Hex Die Nut
Carbon Steel Die Nut
BSP Hex Die Nut
UNC Carbon Steel Die Nut
UNF Die Nut
BSW Die Nut
BSW Carbon Steel Die Nut
NPT Hex Die Nut
BA Die Nut
UNEF Die Nut
Die Stock
Tap Wrench
Ratchet Type Tap Wrench
Adjustable Tap Wrench
Bar Tap Wrench
T Handle Tap Wrench
Tap and Die Set
Metric Tap and Die Set
Berrylion Tap and Die Set
Repair Insert
Recoil Repair Insert and Kit
Recoil Repair Insert
Recoil Repair Insert Kit
Vasbyt Solid Repair Insert and Kit
Vasbyt Repair Insert
Thread Restorer
Hand Cleaner
Mutton Cloth
Engine Cleaner
Paper Wipes and Wipes Holder
Corrosion Protector
Automotive Consumables
Gear Oil
Direct Drive Compressor
Belt Drive Compressor
Compressor Spares
Spare Compressor Wheel
Petrol Generator
Blade Feeler gauge
Pitch gauge
Dial Indicator Gauge
Contour Gauge
Tape Measure
Webco Tape Measure
Stanley Tape Measure
Freeman Tape Measure
Topex Tape Measure
Stainless Steel Ruler
Spring Divider
Spring Caliper
Caliper Vernier
Digital Caliper
Dial Caliper Vernier
Plastic Vernier
White School Board Chalk
Soapstone Chalk
Marker Pen
White Metal Marker
Artline Paint Marker
Carpenter Pencil
Lumber Crayon
Yellow Lumbar Crayon
Blue Crayon
Stanley Chalkline
Chalkline Refill
Chalkline Refill – Red
Engineering Blue
Engineers Square
Combination Square
Spirit Level
Line Level
Torpedo Level
Digital Multimeter
Mechanics Blue
Distance Measurer
Coating Thickness Tester
Power Tools, Spares and Accessories
Power Tools
Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine
Cordless Drill Machine Spares
Cordless Drill Machine Battery
Cordless Drill Battery Charger
Drill Accessories
Drill Chuck and Arbour
Chuck Key
Keyless Chuck
Chuck Adaptor SDS+
Chuck Arbour
Standard Drill Chuck
Drill Arbour
Electric Drill Machine
Drill Press
Bench Drill Press
Verto Drill Press
Shear and Shear Blades
Cut-off Machine
Impact Wrench
Mitre Saw and Blades
Mitre Saw
Router and Router Bits
Router Bit and Router Bit Set
Router Bit Set
Circular Saw
Sander and Sander Kits
Belt Sander
Belt Sander
Orbital Sander and Kit
Orbital Sander
Polisher and Spare Polishing Bonnet
Polisher Sheep Skin Bonnet
Power Screwdriver
Angle Grinder and Angle Grinder Kit
Angle Grinder
Verto Angle Grinder
Die Grinder
Straight Grinder
Garden Power Tools
Cordless Pruning Scissors
Verto Cordless Pruning Scissors
Reciprocating Saw
Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum Cleaner – Graphite
Drill and Angle Grinder Kit
Verto Drill and Angle Grinder Kit
Power Tool Spares
Side Handle
Switch and Switch Holder
Carbon Brushes and Holders
Carbon Brushes
Bearing, Ball Bearing and Bearing Holder
Power Tool Bearing
Power Tool Ball Bearing
Washer Nut
Wheel Washer
Collet Chuck
Collet Chuck
Brush Holder
Brush Cap
Power Tool Adaptor
Power Tool Spare Screw
Power Tool Clutch
Power Tool Accessories
Circular / Mitre Saw Blades
Planer Blade
Jigsaw Blade
Reciprocating Blade
Bandsaw Blade
Diamond Blade
Powersaw Blade
Breaker Chisel
Breaker Cold Chisel
Breaker Ashpalt Chisel
Breaker Bull Point Chisel
SDS Plus Chisel
SDS Adaptor
K-Taper Adaptor
Drift Pin Extractor
Short Reach Core Cutter
Long Reach Core Cutter
Pilot Pin for Cutters
Pin Cutter
Power Tool Oil
Cordless Lantern 18V
Air Tools, Spares and Air Accessories
Air Tools
Spray Gun
Low Pressure Spray Gun
High Pressure Spray Gun
Gravity Feed Spray Gun
Spray Gun Spares
Spray Gun Lower Cup
Parrafin Spray Gun
Air Impact Wrench
Air Grinder
Air Die Grinder
Air Angle Grinder
Air Cut-off Grinder
Caulking Gun
Air Drill
Air Screwdriver
Air Rivetor and Air Rivetor Kit
Air Rivetor
Air Sander
Double Action Air Sander
Orbital Air Sander
Air Nailer and Nails
Air Nailer
Air Nails
Air Needle Scaler and Spare Needles
Air Needle Scaler
Air Stapler and Air Staples
Air Stapler
Air Staples
Air Duster
Air Polisher
Air Hammer
Air Tool Accessories
Airline Hose, Connectors and Couplers
Airline Hose
Airline Hose Connectors & Couplers
Airline Lubricator
Airline Regulator and Airline Regulator /Filter Combo
Airline Regulator
Airline Regulator / Filter Combo
Air Fitting Milled Nut
Air Filter
Air Tool Oil
General Purpose Hand Tools
Chipping Hammer
Club Hammer and Handle
Club Hammer
Spare Club Hammer Handle
Ball Pein Hammer and Handle
Ball Pein Hammer
Ball Pein Hammer Handle
Plastic Hammer and Hammer Face
Thor Plastic Hammer
Thor Plastic Hammer Face
Nylon Hammer and Nylon Hammer Face
Thor Nylon Hammer
Thor Nylon Hammer Face
Rawhide Hammer and Rawhide Hammer Face
Rawhide Hammer
Rawhide Hammer Face
Deadblow Hammer
Scutch Hammer and Scutch Combs
Scutch Hammer
Scutch Hammer Comb Only
Sledge Hammer
Sledge Hammer Complete
Berrylion Sledge Hammer
Eng Din Hammer
Claw Hammer
Claw Hammer Complete
Copper Hammer
Machinist Hammer
Rubber Mallet
Combination Plier
Pincer Plier
Concrete Knipper Plier
Fencing Plier
Long Nose Plier
Waterpump Plier
Glass Plier
Crimping Plier
Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Bent Inside Straight Circlip Plier
Outside Straight Circlip Plier
Bent Outside Straight Circlip Plier
Side Cutter Plier
Diagonal Cutting Plier
Plier Set
Mini Needle Nose Plier
Snap Ring Plier
Philips Screwdriver
Standard Philips Screwdriver
Blacktip Philips Screwdriver
Electricians Screwdriver
Standard Electricians Screwdriver
Electricians Blacktip Screwdriver
Stub Screwdriver
Philips Stub Screwdriver
Blacktip Stub Screwdriver
Electricians Stub Screwdriver
Mechanical Screwdriver
Standard Mechanical Screwdriver
Blacktip Mechanical Screwdriver
Torx Screwdriver
Dral Screwdriver
Standard Dral Screwdriver
Screwdriver Sets
Blacktip Screwdriver Set
Standard Screwdriver Set
Jewellers Screwdriver Set
Screwdriver Bit and Bit Adaptor
Screwdriver Bit Set
Philips Screwdriver Bit
Pozi Screwdriver Bit
Flat Slot Screwdriver Bit
Torx Standard and Tamper Bit
Torx Tamper Resist Bit
Torx Screwdriver bit
Hex Screwdriver Bit
Hex Allen Key Insert Bit
Spline Screwdriver Bit
Screwdriver Bit Holder
Drywall Insert Bit
Square Bit
Bit Adaptor
Pozi Screwdriver
Topex 1000v Screwdrivers
Topex 1000v Flat Screwdrivers
Topex 1000v Philips Screwdrivers
Trimming and Utility Cutters and Knives
Trimming Knife and Spare Blades
Retractable Trimming Knife
Rectractable Trimming Knife
Olfa Retractable
Olfa Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife and Spare Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife and Blades
Fixed Blade Trimming Knife
Straight Trimming Blades
Hook Trimming Blades
H1 Cutter and Spare Blades
Shoe Knife
Utility Knife and Blade
Utility Knife
Utility Knife Blade
Fitters Knife
Allen Keys, Torx Key and Allen Key Sets
Allen Key
Metric Allen Key
Standard Metric Allen Key
Long Reach Metric Allen Key
Imperial Allen Key
Standard Reach Imperial Allen Key
Long Reach Imperial Allen Key
T Handle Allen Key
Allen Key Sets
Metric Allen Key Set
Imperial Allen Key Set
T- Handle Allan Key Set
Ballpoint Allan Key Set
Torx Key and Torx Key Sets
Torx Allan Key Set
Screw Extractors
Hacksaw and Blades
Hacksaw Blades
Bowsaw Blade
Junior Hacksaw and Blade
Junior Hacksaw
Junior Hacksaw Blade
Coping Saw
Coping Saw Blade
Saw Blade Holder
Wheel Spanner
Combination Spanner
Imperial Combination Spanner
Metric Combination Spanner and Spanner Set
Metric Combination Spanner
Metric Combination Spanner set
Ring Spanner
Open End Spanner
Open End Swivel Spanner
Double Open Ended Spanner
Shifting Spanner and Spares
Shifting Spanner
Shifting Spanner Spares
Spark Plug Spanner
Tube Spanner
Ratchet Spanner
Pipe Wrench
Berrylion Heavy Duty Pipe Wrench
R/R Kennedy Wrench
Torque Wrench
Strap Wrench
Strap Wrench strap only
Double Socket Ratchet Wrench
Round Deltron Chassis Punch
Punch Set
Knife and Scissors Sharpener
File Handle
Plastic File Handle
Rasp File
Half Round Rasp File
Rotary File
Smooth File
Flat Smooth File
Round Smooth File
Square Smooth File
Half Round Smooth File
Triangular Smooth File
Needle File Set
2nd Cut File
Flat 2nd Cut File
Warding 2nd Cut File
Round 2nd Cut File
Square 2nd Cut File
Half Round 2nd Cut File
Triangular 2nd Cut File
Mill File
Bastard File
Flat Bastard File
Half Round Bastard File
Round Bastard File
Square Bastard File
Chain Saw File
File Cleaning Brush
Cutter / Shear
Cable Cutter
Tube Cutter and Spare Tube Cutter Wheel
Tube Cutter
Spare Tube Cutter Wheel
Wire Cutter
Circle Cutter
Bolt Cutter
Glass Cutter
Vice Grips
Standard Vice Grip
Welding Vice Grip
C Clamp Vice Grip
Sheet Metal Vice Grip
Curved Jaw Vice Grip
Straight Jaw Vice Ggrip
Sparkplug Socket
Allen Key Socket
1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
Long Series 1/2 dr Allen Key Socket
1/4 dr Allen Key Socket
1/4 dr Allen Key Socket
3/8 dr Allen Key Socket
Imperial Socket
Imperial 1/2 Dr Socket
Imperial 1/4 Dr Socket
Imperial 1/4 Dr Socket
Imperial 3/8 Dr Socket
Imperial 3/4 Dr Socket
Metric Socket
Metric 1/2 Dr Socket
Metric 1/4 Dr Socket
Metric 3/8 Dr Socket
3/8 Dr Standard Socket
Socket Set
1/2 Dr Socket Set
1/2 Dr Standard Socket Set
3/8 Dr Socket Set
1/4 Dr Socket Set
Topex Socket Set
Torx Socket
1/2 Dr Torx Socket
3/8 Dr Torx Socket
Bihex Socket
Deep Reach Socket
Impact Socket
1/2 Dr Impact Socket
1/2 Dr Impact Socket
Long Series 1/2 Dr Impact Socket
3/4 Dr Impact Socket
3/4 Dr Impact Socket
1" Dr Impact Socket
1" Dr Impact Socket
Spline Socket
1/2" Dr Spline Socket
Socket Extention
Socket Universal Swivel
T Bar
1/2 Dr T Bar
3/4 Dr T Bar
1/4" Dr T Bar
Cold Chisel
Flat Cold Chisel
Pointed Cold Chisel
Bevel Edge Chisel
Aviation Tinsnips
Aviation Straight Tinsnips
Aviation Left Tinsnips
Aviation Right Tinsnips
Wrecking Bar
Staple Gun and Staples
Hand Staple Gun
Stanley Staples
Heat Gun
Ratchet and Ratchet Coupler
Ratchet spare coupler
Ratchet Coupler
Impact Driver and Spare Bits
Impact Driver Spare Bits
Regrip for hand tools
Deburring Tool and Spare Blades
Deburring Tool
Deburring Tool Spare Blade
Multi Tool
Neo 10Pc Multi Tool
Holesaws and Accessories
Holesaw Arbour
Holesaw Arbour
Holesaw Arbour Grub Screw
Holesaw Pilot Drill
HSS Bi-metal Holesaw
Plumbing Tools
Blow Torch
Blow Torch
Toolboxes , Tool Bags and Tool Kits
Toolkit and Tool Insert
Topex Tool Kit
Toolkit Insert
Empty Toolbox and Inserts
Empty Toolbox
Utility Box
Tool Cabinet
Topex Workshop Tool Cabinet
Neo Workshop Tool Trolley
Steel Trunk
Tool Box Complete
Topex Cantilever Tool Box Complete
Topex Tool Kit in Plastic Tool Box
Woodworking Tools
Auger Bit
Eye Auger Bit
Plug Cutter
Wood Bit
Wood Gimlet
Angle Drive
Engineering and Metal Working Tools
Vice and Vice Accessories
Bench Vice and Accessories
Bench Vice
Vice Nut
Vice Jaws
Pin Vice
Drill Press Vice
Forged G Clamp
Quick Grip Clamp
Ribbed G Clamp
Band Clamp
German F-Type Clamp
End mill and HSS Cutter
Pin Punch
Wad Punch
Headed Punch
Punch Belt
Set Figure Punches
Set Letter Punches
Centre Punch
Tool Bit
Square Tool Bit
Round Tool Bit
Drill Bush
Deburring Tool and Accessories
Tungsten Carbide Burr
Deburring Handle
Deburring Blade
Tool Jacket
Buff Packing Tape – Brown
Buff Packing Tape – Clear
Barrier Tape
Masking Tape
Duct Tape
Double Sided Tape
Double Sided Tape
Nitto Tape
Carpet Tape
Paint Scraper and Spare Blades
Paint Scraper
White Wash Brush
Wire Brush
Stainless Steel Wire Brush
Block Wire Brush
Paint Brushes
Wood Filler
Paint and Painting Accessories
Spray Paint
Cold Zinc Spray
Oxide Paint
Red Oxide Paint
Paint Strainer
Galvanised Chain
Cable Ties
Black Cable Ties
Natural Cable Ties
Locks and Padlocks
Standard Padlock
Keyed alike Padlock
Discus Padlock
Hasp and Staple
Barrel Bolt
Tension Springs
Stainless Steel Tension Springs
Butt Hinge
Steel Butt Hinge
Bullet Hinge
Painting Accessories
Roller Refill
Painting Tray complete with Roller
Spades and Shovels
Pick handle
Engraving Tool
Gate Roller
Key Ring
Nail Leather Bag
Tool Pouch
Oil Stone
Buffing Soap
Screw Eyes
Dry Pressure Duster
Dust Pan and Brush set
Copper Ferrules
Aluminium ferrules
Bubble Wrap
Corrugated Cardboard (Roll)
Welding Equip & Consumables
Welding Rods
Cast Iron Welding Rod
Stainless Steel Welding Rod
Low Hydrogen Welding Rod
Hardfacing Welding Rod
Tool Steel Welding Rod
Mild steel welding rod
Copper Welding Rod
Aluminium Welding Rods
Welding & Earth Cable and Accessories
Welding Earth Cable
Welding Cable Kit
Cable Connector
Welding and Cutting Kit
Welding Cable
Welding Machine
Invertor Welding Machine and spares
Invertor Welding Machine
MIG Invertor Machine
Welding Electrode Holder
Welding Earth Holder
Welding Hose and Accessories
Welding Hose Tail Piece
Welding Hose
Hose Nut
Welding Lense
Auto Darkening
Welding Screen
Welding Spats
Welding Yoke Chrome Leather
Welding Helmet and Welding Goggles
Flip front welding helmet
Auto Darkening Helmet
Spare Head strap for welding helmet
Welding Wire Brush
Welding Torch
Torch Cutting Attachment
Torch Handle Shank
Torch Mixer
Torch Universal Blk
Torch Tip Nut
Flashback Arrestor
Welding Lighter and Flints
Welding Lighter
Nozzle Cutter
Welding Regulator
Tig Welding Spares
Tig Collet
Tig Alumina
Tig Back Cap
Tig Cup Gasket
Tig Valve
Tig Handle
Tig Torch Body
Tig Switch
Tig Nut
Tig Clamp
Tig Connector
Tig Tungsten
Tig Torch
Tig Wire
Mig Welding Spares and Accessories
Mig Liner
Mig Snozzle / Shroud
Mig Tip Adaptor
Mig Tip Contact
Mig Swan Neck
Mig Torch BNZ
Mig Gas Diffuser
Welding Lugs
Welding Oil
Welding Magnet
Welding Anti-Spatter
Welding Nozzle Cleaner
Mig Wire
Soldering Equip & Consumables
Soldering Iron and Stand
Soldering Iron
Acid Core Solder
Acid Core Solder
Resin Core Solder
Solder Paste
Soldering Iron Tips
Soldering Sucker and Spare Tips
Soldering Sucker
Brazing Equip & Consumables
Brazing Flux
Brass Brazing Flux
Silver Brazing Flux
Brazing Brush
Flint Lighter and Spare Flints
Spare Lighter FLints
Brazing Rods
Brazing Rods (Pre-pack)
Chrome Leather Apron
White Plastic Apron
PVC Apron
Brown Bib Apron
Safety Vest
Dayglo Orange Vest
Orange Safety Bib
Glass Carrying Glove
Chrome Leather Double Palm Glove
Wan PVC Cuff Glove
Wan Mens Knitted Glove
Heavy Duty Elbow Glove
Heavy Duty Rubber wrist Glove
Heavy Duty Rubber Shoulder Glove
Polka Dot Canvas Glove
Heavy Duty Yellow Comarex Glove
Disposable Glove
Wan Pig Skin Complete Glove
Pig Skin Candy Stripe Glove
VIP Tig Goat Skin Glove
Yellow Latex House Glove
Black Latex Builders Glove
Heat Resistant Glove
Heavy Duty Wan Green Glove
Nitrile Glove
Dust Coat
Clear Safety Spectacles
Wrap Around Spectacles
Amber Safety Spectacles
Grinding Goggles
Flip Front Welding Goggles
Green Mono Goggles
Gas Welding Flip Front Goggles
Hard Hat
Hard Hat
Hard hat Inners
Gum Boots
Safety Boots
Raincoats and Rain suits
Safety Belt with webbing and chain
Safety Belt
Safety Harness with Lanyard
Webbing Lanyard with safety hook
Rhino Clear Shield Helmet
Head mount Clear Shield Helmet
Respirator / Mask & Spare Filters
Dust Mask
Respirator and Spare Filters
Respirator Doris Single
Respirator Doris Double
Respirator Filters
Face Mask
Face Mask – 2 layer cloth
Ear Protection
Ear Muffs
Ear Plugs
First Aid
First Aid Refill
Welding Cotton Cap
Nylon Slings
Sanitisers and Sanitiser stands
Bottled Sanitiser
Sanitiser Stands
Steel Cutoff Disc
Stainless Steel Cutting Disc
Stone Cutting Disc
Steel Cutting Disc
Steel Grinding Disc
Fibre Disc
Stainless Steel Abrasive Mop Disc
Steel Abrasive Mop Disc
Sanding Disc
Velcro Fibre Disc
Stainless Steel Grinding Disc
C Crop Disc
Aluminium Cutting Disc
Abrasive Disc Accessories
Fixing Spindle for abrasive disc
Grinding Wheel
Flap Wheel
Water Paper
Cabinet Paper
Endless Belt
Emory Cloth
Glass Polishing Belt
Spiraband and Spiraband Holder
Spiraband Holder
Scotch Brite Hand Pads
Floor Paper
Wire Brush
Wire Cup Brush
Port Cleaning Brush
Wire Wheel Brush
Wire Wheel
Mounted Wire Wheel
Stainless Steel Wire Wheel
Wheel Dresser
Backing Pad
Mounted Stone
Ruby Mounted Point
Buffing Wheel
Finishing Mop
Cleaning Wheel
Cutting Paste
Cutting, Tapping, Drilling Fluid / Oil
Silicone Spray
Rust Off
Penetrating Oil / Spray
Electrical Cleaner
Graphite Penetrating Fluid
Chain Lubricating Spray
Mould Protector
Switch Cleaner
Silicone Paste
Copper Compound
Fishing Tackle Protector
Belt Dressing
Hydraulic Oil
Silicone Sealant and Silicone Remover
Silicone Sealant
Silicone Gun
Quick Set Steel Glue
Quick Set White Glue
Quick Set Clear Glue
Wonderfix White Glue
Wonderfix Car Glue
Glue Stick
Wood Glue
Contact Adhesive
Glue Screw
Glue Cleaner or Remover
Sticker Glue Remover
Quick Set Steel Putty
Quick Set White Putty
Standard Set White Putty
Disc Adhesive
Polyurethane Spray and Cleaner
Polyurethane Spray
Flexible Gasket
Hydraulic Sealant
Pipe Sealant
Bearing Mount
Retaining Compound
Gasket Sealant
Penetrating Adhesive
Structural Adhesive
H Temp
Glue Gun and spare glue gun nozzles
Glue Gun
Glue Gun Nozzle
Loctite Adhesive Cleaner
Crimping and Swage Tool
Hydraulic Crimping Tool and accessories
Fish Tape
Wire Strippers
Extention Reel
Extention Cord Complete with Janus Coupler
Janus Plug
Bayonet Globe
Batteries, Battery Charger and Accessories
AAA Battery
Battery Booster Cables
Cable Clips
Pre-pack Cable Clips
Inspection Lamp
Inspection Lamp Adaptor
3 Pin 15 Amp Plug
Nylon Plug
Rubber Plug
Electronic Tester
Voltage Tester
PVC Pipe Spring Bender
Nylon Rope
Wire Rope
Galvanised Wire Rope
Stainless Steel Wire Rope
PVC Coated Wire Rope
Manilla Rope
Steel Balls
Jerry Can
Telescopic Mirror
Oblong Mirror telescope
Bottle Jack
Trolley Jack
Ratchet Trestle
Piston Ring Compression Tool
Cylinder hone tool and Stones
Honing Tool
Tool Pickup
Magnetic Tool Pickup
Heavy Duty Puller
2 Jaw Heavy Duty Puller
3 Jaw Heavy Duty Puller
Flaring Tool
Oil Filter Remover
Bearing Separator
Quick Start Spray
Anti-mist Spray
Flaw Crack Detector
Oil Suction Gun
Chemical Pump
Rotary Barrel Pump
Lever Barrel Pump
Hand Lift Pump
High Viscosity Pump
Emergency Boost Starter
High Pressure Spray Cleaner
Coil Spring Compressor
Brand Fixitfast
Brand Hikoki
Brand Klingspor
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