Product type:- 900X19 Aftool Wrecking Bar
Material:- Hex. Tool Steel
Finish:- Chrome Plated
Description:- • Formed from Hexagonal tool
steel SS1083.
• The body has one end chisel
shaped and the other end
offset and shaped like a
claw hammer claw.
• The wrecking bars function
is mainly to pull nails
and rip open crates.
• The claw end pulls out
nails and staples and the
sharp chisel end levers open.
• Used In industry and commerce,
in warehouses where large
boxes and crates are received.
• Also in remodelling old
buildings , for removing
floors and ceiling timbers.
• Each wrecking bar is
individually hardness tested
to maintain our high
• Each wrecking bar is dip
paint coated after manufacture.
Total Length:- 900 X 19 mm